"VOX POPULI VOX DEI" Suara Rakyat adalah Suara Tuhan.


Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia held an International Law training about “International Investment Arbitration and Asset Recovery.” This training held for two days from This training presented speakers from FHUI. They are Dr. Mutiara Hikmah, S.H., M.H., Dr. Yetty Komalasari Dewi, S.H., M.L.I., Tiurma M.P. Allagam, S.H., M.H., Dr. Yunus Husein, S.H., LL.M., and Lita...
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On April 15, State Law held National Seminar with theme “Natural Disaster in Emergency State Law Perspective: an Aspiration for Bill of Disaster Eradication” in Balai Sidang room, FHUI kampus Depok. This seminar attended by jurist and experts in disaster eradiction. Theay are Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H., MH., Heru Susetyo, S.H., LL.M., M.Si., Ph.D....
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The delegates from UI that got a Diplomacy Award are Thea Mutiara Khalifa (Faculty of Law 2017) and Irvena Ayunya Dewanto (Faculty of Law 2017) as a pair that placed in Disarmament and International Security Committee (discussing the Role of International Community in Mass Atrocities), also Alexandra Aulianta (Faculty of Law 2018) in World Health...
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International Delegation Mooting Competing, Phillip C. Jessup (“Jessup”) in Washington DC. Team from FHUI succeed to got in to round 5. This result is an improvement from last year achievement. Jessup is the world’s largest moot court competition, with participants from over 680 law schools in 100 countries and jurisdictions. The Competition is a simulation...
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Indonesian president and vice president candidates campaign these days is getting more interested because it’s full of promises of the candidates.However, the most important thing about promises is the realization of it. So far, the reality shows, promises during the campaign is the hardest promises to realize. It could be not because of reluctance or...
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Since 1995, ALSA LC UI has successfully held ALSA National English Competition or ALSA E-Comp, a competition which uses English as its language of instruction, targeted for senior high school and university students. Numerous senior high school and university students from all over Indonesia had continually participated in this event, thus nationally ALSA E-Comp had...
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University of Indonesia has been named the 80th Best University in the World University of Indonesia has been named the 80th Best University in the World which has a Broad Impact on the Nation’s Social and Economy through Research, Teaching and Community Service activities. Those rankings released by Institution of University Rankings in the World, Times Higher Education...
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Governor Regulation on PPRSM Is Published to Resolve Problems that Often Occur in PPPSRS, said Meli Budi  Head of the DKI Jakarta Housing and Settlement Area Office (P3M), Meli Budiastuti, said that the Guidance for Guidance for the Management of Flat Housing (PPRSM) was issued to resolve problems that often occur in the Flats and Residents’...
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Student of Law Faculty of University of Indonesia, Laras Thyrza Amandari, received Best of Family of Social Sciences and Humanities III and Best Character award in The Selection of Outstanding Student in University of Indonesia. She is a student in Jurisprudence 2016 studies. Other than two category above, there are another four category. The Best Poster category won...
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Sale and Purchase Position Disrupts Bureaucratic Reform Jakarta, (Analisa). The State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) assessed that political party intervention and monetization in the appointment of high-ranking positions in ministries or institutions disrupt bureaucratic reform in a ministry or institution. “What is very disturbing is political intervention within the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) management,” said KASN Chair Sofian...
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