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Sale and Purchase Position Disrupts Bureaucratic Reform

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Sale and Purchase Position Disrupts Bureaucratic Reform

Jakarta, (Analisa). The State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) assessed that political party intervention and monetization in the appointment of high-ranking positions in ministries or institutions disrupt bureaucratic reform in a ministry or institution.

“What is very disturbing is political intervention within the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) management,” said KASN Chair Sofian Effendi in a discussion entitled “Building Clean and Modern Government Firmly” at the Presidential Staff Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (27/3).

According to him, the institution since 2017 has known that there are transactional practices in the appointment of high-ranking positions. In fact, he explained that several ministries were rife with the practice of monetization or position.

“We just don’t have the instruments to prove and capture those practices,” he said.

Sofian revealed that there were 13 ministries and institutions being monitored by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) which were allegedly related to the sale and purchase of positions.

“We suspect that it is not impossible that these upcoming cases will be the same cases,” he explained, explaining the potential for high-position buying and selling.

Coordinator of Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Adnan Topan Husodo, said in the discussion that the appointment of leaders in an institution for political intervention could potentially worsen bureaucratic reforms being intensified by the government.

“Because in the end the reform bureaucratic agenda does not work,” he explained.

He said, granting positions in an institution or ministry to certain figures was often intended for exploitation.

Meanwhile, Indonesian academics, Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie argued, to avoid buying and selling positions within the ministry and institution institutions need to improve the ethics of the ASNs.

“We need enlightment personalities. The people, the character must change, “he said in the same discussion.

According to Jimly, in addition to fixing the applicable regulations, each institution must instill a code of ethics for its officials to maintain the quality of the institution.

Professor of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia (UI) Jakarta added, if an official in a ministry or institution is involved in a case of buying and selling positions, ethical sanctions, such as dismissal, need to be done to maintain public trust in government institutions.

According to him, the case of the arrest of the Chief of the United Development Party (PPP), RMY in Sidoarjo, East Java, on Friday (3/15) by KPK investigators for alleged bribery for job selection in the Ministry of Religious Affairs, could be a lesson to take more serious actions.

“In this political year, if this is allowed, it will be more destructive. We want to strengthen the position of KASN, KPK, for cleaning,” he said.

He considered, the activities of buying and selling the highest leadership in the ministry or institution were caused by several factors, one of them being political influence.

The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court assessed that the burden of the large political party budget had encouraged the sale and purchase of the position.

In addition, cultural attitudes that are supported by non-meritocracy are still carried out.

He hoped that the three institutions, namely KPK, KASN, and the Ministry of Utilization of State Apparatus and Bureaucracy Reformation can work closely together to supervise. (Ant)

Source:  http://harian.analisadaily.com/headline/news/jual-beli-jabatan-ganggu-reformasi-birokrasi/714526/2019/03/28

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