"VOX POPULI VOX DEI" Suara Rakyat adalah Suara Tuhan.
November 18, 2020


Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia mengadakan kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat (Pengmas) yang bertemakan Implementasi Undang-Undang (UU) Perlindungan Anak dan UU Kesehatan Bagi Pengajar, Wali, dan Anak yang diadakan di Sekolah Masjid Terminal (Master). Person in Charge, Niken Afifah Yudhakinanti mengatakan, kegiatan ini merupakan implementasi salah satu tridarma UI, yaitu pengabdian masyarakat. “Alasan kami mengadakannya di Sekolah...
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During the last ASEAN Regional Forum, the foreign ministers of all member states once again reiterated that ASEAN and China should expedite negotiation over the Code of Conduct (CoC) in the South China Sea. In line with his ASEAN counterparts, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in August that China expected the CoC to be finalized...
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During the last ASEAN Regional Forum, the foreign ministers of all member states once again reiterated that ASEAN and China should expedite negotiation over the Code of Conduct (CoC) in the South China Sea. In line with his ASEAN counterparts, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in August that China expected the CoC to be finalized...
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Humas FH UI