"VOX POPULI VOX DEI" Suara Rakyat adalah Suara Tuhan.
July 21, 2020


For centuries, the South China Sea has remained one of the biggest challenges for most Asian countries. The complex nature of the dispute requires efforts from all related countries to contribute in order to maintain peace and security in the region. Diplomats, military leaders, and government decision-makers have their own roles and contribution to securing...
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For centuries, the South China Sea has remained one of the biggest challenges for most Asian countries. The complex nature of the dispute requires efforts from all related countries to contribute in order to maintain peace and security in the region. Diplomats, military leaders, and government decision-makers have their own roles and contribution to securing...
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Dalam rangka memperdalam pembelajaran Hukum Pidana dan sekaligus Launching Buku Hukum Pidana : Suatu Pengantar Karya Prof Dr. Topo Santoso, SH., MH, Masyarakat Hukum Pidana dan Kriminologi Indonesia (Mahupiki) akan menyelenggarakan Workshop untuk pengajar dan praktisi Hukum Pidana dengan pembicara : Prof.Dr. Topo Santoso, S.H., M.H (Guru Besar Hukum Pidana FH UI) Prof.Dr. Eddy O.S.Hiariej,...
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Bagi yg berkenan untuk menghadiri webinar, silahkan klik tautan di bawah. Bidang Studi Hukum Internasional Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia mempersembahkan Webinar Nasional “Implementasi Konvensi New York 1958 dan Konvensi ICSID 1965 di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Sumbangan Pemikiran kepada Pemerintah RI” Sambutan Pembuka: Dr. Edmon Makarim, S.Kom., S.H., LL.M. Dekan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia Keynote Speaker:...
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