"VOX POPULI VOX DEI" Suara Rakyat adalah Suara Tuhan.
August 1, 2018


“International Intellectual Property And The ASEAN Way: Pathways To Interoperability” Prof. Dr. Agus Sardjono., S.H., M.H. adalah satu dari 17 penulis yang karyanya dimuat dalam buku berjudul “International Intellectual Property And The ASEAN Way: Pathways To Interoperability”. Sebelumnya telah meneliti tentang hak kekayaan intelektual dan warisan budaya di Indonesia. Bab “Challenges for ASEAN Interoperability: Lessons From Research...
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International Intellectual Property And The ASEAN Way: Pathways To Interoperability Prof. Dr.   Agus Sardjono, SH, MH   is one of 17 authors whose work is published in a book entitled “International Intellectual Property and The ASEAN Way: Pathways To Interoperability”. He has previously studied intellectual property rights and cultural heritage in Indonesia. The Chapter of “Challenges for ASEAN Interoperability:...
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Mencegah penyalahgunaan paten Bulan Agustus 2018 nanti bakal menandai periode 17 tahun regulasi paten di tanah air yang pertama kali diatur melalui UU No. 14/2001 dan kemudian direvisi dengan UU No. 13/2016 tentang Paten yang juga disahkan pada bulan Agustus. Kedua undang-undang tersebut untuk memberikan perlindungan hak kekayaan intelektual (HKI) para inventor dan creator, sehingga...
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Preventing Patent Abuse August 2018 will mark the period of 17 years of patent regulation in Indonesia which was first regulated through Law No. 14/2001 and then revised with Law No. 13/2016 on Patents which was also enacted in August. Both laws are to provide intellectual property rights protection (IPR) of inventors and creators, so as to encourage...
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Kembangkan Comparative Law, 3 Dosen Wakili Indonesia di Kongres Dunia Pengembangan comparative law semakin mendesak agar reformasi hukum Indonesia tidak salah arah dalam mengadopsi hukum asing. Comparative law atau perbandingan hukum adalah bidang kajian ilmu hukum yang telah dikenal sejak paruh kedua abad dua puluh. Sayangnya belum banyak pengembangan serius tentang bidang kajian ini di Indonesia....
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To Develop Comparative Law, 3 Lecturers Represent Indonesia at A World Congress The development of comparative law is increasingly urgent so that Indonesian legal reform is not misdirected in adopting a foreign law. Comparative law is a field of legal studies that has been known since the second half of the twentieth century. Unfortunately, there has...
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