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Inauguration of Prof. Melda Kamil Room

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia > Uncategorized > Inauguration of Prof. Melda Kamil Room

The Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia held an Inauguration for the newly opened Prof. Melda Kamil Ariadno, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D. Room and the launching of the book of Prof. Melda Kamil Ariadno, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D. on Wednesday, September 4, 2019, on the 3rd floor, FHUI, Depok campus. This inauguration was dedicated to Prof. Melda Kamil Ariadno’s dedication and devotion who was the professor of The International Law in FHUI.

This inauguration was attended by the dean of FHUI, the Vice-dean of FHUI, Alumni 87 FHUI, the family of Prof. Melda Kamil Ariadno, and the dean of FIB. This inauguration was opened by the Dean of FHUI, Dr. Edmon Makarim, S.Kom., S.H., LL.M.


About the author

➖ Kampus UI Depok Jl. Prof. Mr. Djokosoetono, Kampus FHUI Gedung A Depok 16424, Jawa Barat Telepon (021) 7270003, 7863288 Faks (021) 7270052. E-mail: humas-fh@ui.ac.id & lawschool@ui.ac.id ... ➖ Kampus UI Salemba Gedung IASTH Lt. 2, Jl. Salemba Raya No.4, Jakarta 10430 Tel : (021) 31909008 Faks : (021) 39899148
Humas FH UI