(Centre for Constitutional Law Studies & Centre for International Law Studies)
Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia
in collaboration with International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA)
hold a
Public Lecture on “What If Australia Becomes a Republic?”
1. Prof. Cheryl Saunders AO (Laureate Professor Emeritus – University of Melbourne).
2. Prof. Satya Arinanto, (professor of Constitutional Law Department of the Faculty of Law of Universitas Indonesia)
Mohammad Novrizal, LL.M.
(Lecturer of Constitutional Law Department & Chairman of the Centre for Constitutional Law Studies, the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia)
Time and venue
Time : Thursday, 6th October 2022
09.00 – 11.00 West Indonesian Time (Jakarta Local Time)
Venue : “S & T Multimedia” Room
Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia, Depok Campus, and Zoom (hybrid)