"VOX POPULI VOX DEI" Suara Rakyat adalah Suara Tuhan.


Dr. Edmon Makarim, S.Kom., S.H., LL.M officially being the Dean of Faculty of Law University of Indonesia after he declares his vow in Balai Kirti, university administration center building, Universitas Indonesia on Monday, 17/5.He inaugurated for replacing Dr. R. Ismala Dewi, SH., MH that leading the faculty before temporarily.This is based on the UI Chancellor’s...
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Terror attacks occur everywhere in the world, the latest in New Zealand on March 15 and in Sri Lanka on April 21, killing hundreds of victims. However, law enforcers as well as the public pay attention mostly to the offenders, not to the victims of terrorism.Of course people want to know who the criminals are...
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Dr. Edmon Makarim, S.Kom, S.H., LL.M. chosen as the Dean of Law Faculty Universitas Indonesia period 2019-2023. The assessment held on Tuesday (28/05/19) in Ruang Rapat A Pusat Administrasi Universitas (PAU) UI Depok. Edmon is superior to the other two candidates, Dr. Arman Nefi, S.H., M.M and Dr. M. R. Andri Gunawan Wibisana, S.H., LL.M.His...
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Thursday (16/5), Faculty of Law University of Indonesia (hereinafter FHUI) held breakfasting together with the leaders and civitas of FHUI at Lobby Depok Campus.This breakfasting followed by The leaders, management, lecturer, employees, and alumni to get closer and familiar relation between every civitas of FHUI.Other than that, this event give more knowledge about fasting that...
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KOMPAS.com — Times Higher Education (THE) just released the ranking of the best universities in Asia (1/5/2019).This ranking assessed through several indicators, among them are teaching environment (25 percent), research (30 percent), scientific quote (30 percent ), international lecturer/student/research (7,5 percent), and industry collaboration (7,5 percent).This year ranking involving more than 400 universities from 27...
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Watch public debate of dean candidate of Law Faculty University of Indonesia.on May 16, 2019.at 15.00 WIBin Djokosoetono Auditorium
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Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia Received a visit from Labschool Jakarta Senior High School on Tuesday (30/05/16) in S&T Multimedia room, campus Depok UI. This visit attended by 13 students and 10 teachers. Also, there are representative from faculty who attend this visit to explain about the faculty. They are Farida Prihatini, S.H., M.H., Nadia...
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Tuesday, 30 April, Faculty of Law University of Indonesia (FHUI) received a visit from University Hasanuddin Makassar in Soekardono Room, FHUI, Depok.This visit is welcomed by Dr. Muhamad Ramdan Andri Gunawan Wibisana, S.H., LL.M., Dr. Brian Amy Prastyo, S.H., M.L.I., LL.M. (Head of International Program) and Head of Public Relations and Protocol, Nadia Maulisa, S.H.,...
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On Monday, 29 April, Faculty of Law University of Indonesia held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in Guru Besar Room FHUI, Depok.This FGD held as a follow-up of the seminar that held by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia and meetings that discuss the bill of Private International Law 1997/1998 also Academic Manuscript Bill...
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Sexual violence cases that happened in society have a high enough number. Sexual violence mostly happens at home with 37 percent of the total percentage. This shows that sexual violence often is done by the people closest to the victim. Meanwhile, sexual violence that happens in school is about 11 percent and 10 percent at...
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