"VOX POPULI VOX DEI" Suara Rakyat adalah Suara Tuhan.
July 16, 2019


Febby Mutiara Nelson berhasil mempertahankan disertasinya yang berjudul “Peradilan Sederhana, Cepat, dan Biaya Ringan: Menggagas Penanganan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Melalui Konsep Plea Bargaining dan Deferred Prosecution Agreement” dihadapan Sidang Akademik Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia yang di pimpin oleh Dr. Edmon Makarim, S.H., S.Kom., LL.M dengan anggota terdiri atas Promotor Prof. Dr. Topo Santoso, S.H., M.H.,...
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“Simple, Speedy, and Light Expense Trial: Initiating the Management of Corruption Offence through the Plea Bargaining and Deferred Prosecution Agreement Concepts” Febby Mutiara Nelson succeeded in defending her dissertation entitled “Simple, Speedy, and Light Expense Trial: Initiating the Management of Corruption Offence through the Plea Bargaining and Deferred Prosecution Agreement Concepts” before the Academic Session...
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Mustafa Fakhri berhasil mempertahankan disertasinya yang berjudul “Kekuasaan Presiden Dalam Pemberantasan Korupsi di Indonesia” dihadapan Sidang Akademik Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia yang di pimpin oleh Dr. Edmon Makarim, S.H., S.Kom., LL.M dengan anggota terdiri atas Promotor Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H. Ko-Promotor Prof. Dr. Topo Santoso, S.H., M.H., dan Prof. Dr. Satya Arinanto, S.H., M.H....
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“Presidential Power in Eradicting Corupption in Indonesia: A Study on the President’s Legal Policy Over the Corruption Eradiction Attempts since the Independence Day to Reformasi Era in Indonesia” Mustafa Fakhri Succeeded in defending his dissertation entitled “Presidential Power in Eradicting Corupption in Indonesia: A Study on the President’s Legal Policy Over the Corruption Eradiction Attempts...
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