To Improve Awareness of Publishing Scientific Research, IMMH-UI Held Final Research Writing Clinic
Depok–Publication of scientific research paper as a graduation requirement in Universitas Indonesia (UI) is felt and brought concerns for master and doctoral students in fulfilling the requirement. Article 20 UI Rector Regulation No. 15 Year 2016 that stipulates the requirement of graduation is to produce one paper related to the research result as the main author which is accepted to be published in the national journal or international proceedings. This has encourgaed Master of Legal Studies Student Association (Ikatan Mahasiswa Magister Hukum–IMMH) to hold Final Research Writing Clinic.
With the workshop theme of “Road To Be An Excellent Researcher” was held at Boedi Harsono Room, Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia (FHUI), UI Campus, Depok on Friday (9/2/2018) at 08.30 Western Indonesian Time. The workshop consisted of 3 interrelated topics in the final research, which is about thesis writing and dissertation, National and International Journal and Sharing of Final Research Indexed International Publication Grant Program (Program Hibah Publikasi Internasional Terindeks Tugas Akhir–PITTA) by students who have become the recipients of the grant.
Zainatul Ilmiyah, as Chairman of the Organizing Committee said that the event was attended by 87 participants consisting of master and doctoral students at FHUI, as well as from other universities and government agencies such as BAPETEN, BPPT, BULOG, LPS, and KEMENKES. The speakers invited to this event were Prof. Topo Santoso, S.H, MH., Edita Elda, S.H., MH and Dr. Arie Afriansyah, S.H. LLM.
Prof. Dr. Topo Santoso, S.H. M.H., who became the first speaker said that Thesis or Dissertation is a document submitted to support the nomination of an academic degree at the post-graduate level either a master or doctorate at the University level including in FH UI. Therefore, in presenting the research and findings of the author, students are expected to write with a systematic and clear according to writing guidelines set by each university.
“Imagine your Thesis being a masterpiece or Landmark in your life. Moreover, if the result becomes a book, it will certainly raise your name in the academic world,” said Dean of the Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia 2013-2017 to motivate the participants to write.
The next speaker, Edita Elda, S.H, M.H. said that working on thesis, dissertation and even lecture tasks can have greater benefits. If a fellow participant is active in publishing his work in international conferences and journals. “I am more productive especially with PITTA UI grant program along with its supervisor lecturer Prof. Topo from S2 until now undergoing S3,” said Edita who currently completing her doctoral program in FH UI.
The last session speaker, Dr. Arie Afriansyah, S.H, LLM. He said that the mandatory graduation requirements in publications become a burden for postgraduate students since 2016. However, the actual obligations of postgraduate students have been around for a long time, namely the Regulation of Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) 152/E/T/2012 which states the low number of scientific research papers of universities in Indonesia compared to other countries, therefore DIKTI requires graduation requirements in the form of DIKTI-accredited national journal and International Journal.
“I suggest UI postgraduate students to not think the publication requirement as a burden. Moreover, FHUI has two Journals that have been accredited by DIKTI and will be indexed in Scopus Index. In addition to the ease of Jurnal Magistraat and Notary who will review and publish journals produced by FHUI academic society,” said chairman of the Association of Journal of Law in Indonesia.
Dewi Nurhalimah said that she was proud to be present in this important event as a participant. “The material of the event is very weighty and filled by outstanding speakers. This knowledge makes me to better prepare my thesis and journal and more than just as a requirement of graduation”, said the student who is still in second semester at Master of Constitutional Law field of study of FHUI.