The 9th CILS International Law Conference 2018
The Center for International Law Study of Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with Brawijaya University held the 9th CILS 2018 International Law Conference on October 2-3 2018 in Brawijaya University Malang.
The 9th CILS International Conference was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia Prof. Melda Kamil Ariadno, SH, LL.M., Ph.D.
This annual CILS international conference was expected to take place every year to mark every development of International Law. This year’s theme is “International Culture and Law”. In this broad conference theme, there are five parallel sessions that will focus on the following sub-themes: (1) Cultural heritage; (2) Cultural rights; (3) Culture & economic activities; (4) culture and armed conflict, and (5) General Topics.