Seminar on Integration of Pancasila Values in the Constitution
The Study Field of Constitutional Law Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia held a Seminar on Integration of Values of Pancasila in the Constitution on Wednesday (06/06/2018) in Soemadipradja & Taher FHUI Room, UI Depok Campus.
This seminar invited many prominent national figures in the field of Constitutional Law, namely Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H., R.M. Ananda B. Kusuma, Prof. Dr. Satya Arinanto, S.H., M.H., and Drs. Jakob Tobing, MPA. According to the Head of Study Field of Constitutional Law Dr. Fitra Arsil, this seminar was held to coincide with the momentum of Pancasila by presenting national figures to discuss the national issue. According to him, this seminar will be held regularly by the Study Field of Constitutional Law.
Pancasila as the ideology of the state has been agreed by the founding fathers since 1945. But the values of Pancasila have not been necessarily internalized automatically in Indonesia nationwide. In fact, for some time, Pancasila seems to be only a symbolic expression of the state without a clear implementation, both in state life and society.
Pancasila as a guideline means that the values contained in Pancasila should be a reference in the life of the whole community, to realize it then there is a need for the whole people to understand Pancasila and how to implement it. So that Pancasila is not merely a symbolic expression.
As we know, Pancasila is the foundation of the state of Indonesia, according to the BPUPKI meeting on 1 June 1945, before the proclamation of independence and as discussed in the Pancasila studies, Pancasila is meant to have a very important position.