Friday, July 10, 2020, Djokosoetono Research Center Faculty of Law, Universita Indonesia held a National Webinar “Realization of Government Administration & Effectiveness of the Jokowi Cabinet in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic.” This theme chosen was due to news circulating on social media, a video uploaded by the Official Youtube Channel of the Presidential Secretariat, namely President Joko Widodo who was reprimanding his ministers in a high tone or in other words being angry.
The President’s anger was triggered because of the minimal absorption of the state budget that had been allocated in very large amounts to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, amounting to Rp.677.2 Trillion. Specifically, the President reprimanded the Ministry of Health which has received a budget allocation of around Rp. 75 trillion but only used 1.53% of this fantastic amount of money.
Because of these, the FHUI DRC considered it necessary to hold a scientific discussion in the form of a webinar about it. It needs to be analyzed where the actual constraints of this budget absorption are, is it because the substance of the regulations has not been maximized or is it caused by other things that are too bureaucratic. This academic discussion needs to be made to be a lesson in the fields of state administration and state administrative law, for the good of the Indonesian government process in the future.
This webinar was also attended by Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshidiqie, S.H. as the keynote speaker, and other speakers also have Dr. Fitra Arsil, S.H, M.H. (Constitutional Law Expert, Chair of the Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia.), Dian Puji Simatupang, S.H., M.H. (Legal Expert in State Financial Administration, Chair of the HAN FH-UI Study Area), Richo A. Wibowo, S.H., LL.M. (Legal Expert in Government Procurement and Procurement Law), and Maryati Abdullah (Public Policy Governance Observer, Envoy OGP (Open Government Partnership) and moderated by Nur Widyastanti, SH, MH (Lecturer in Constitutional Law, Senior Researcher of PSHTN FHUI).