Quo Vadis on the Islamic Boarding School and Religious Education Bill Seminar
The FHUI Research and Publishing Unit in collaboration with the Islamic Law and Islamic Studies Institute (LKIHI) together with the FHUI held a seminar on the Quo Vadis on the Islamic Boarding School and Religious Education Bill? on Wednesday, November 21, 2018 at the Djokosoetono FHUI Convention Center, UI Depok Campus.
In this seminar, there were speakers from the Islamic Law Lecturer Neng Djubaedah, S.H., M.H., Ph.D., Chair of the Education Sector of IKADI KH. Dr. Abdul Jabar Majid, MA, Caregiver of Al Hikam Kukusan Islamic Boarding School Depok K.H Yusron Shidqi, Lc. and Erfandi, S.H., M.H. an Expert Staff of the House of Representatives.
This seminar discussed the Bill on Islamic Boarding Schools and Religious Education (‘Pesantren’ Bill) which had been approved as a bill from the proposal of the DPR’s initiative. This decision was delivered at the DPR plenary meeting in Jakarta, Tuesday (10/16).
This bill was initiated since 2013 by party-based factions of Islam. The struggle in parliament for five years fruitful with its approval became a bill from the proposal of the DPR’s initiative. The consideration of the initiation of this bill is that Islamic boarding schools as subcultures, have distinctiveness and uniqueness that have taken root and live and develop in the midst of society, both as educational institutions, religious teaching institutions (Islamic da’wah), and as community empowerment institutions, in which pesantren and religious education development still experiences inequality in the aspects of financing, support for facilities, quality human resources, and a lack of state support for pesantren and religious education in order to have competitiveness and excellence that are globally competitive.