Legal expert, Indriyanto Seno Adji, appreciates the Bill of Omnibus Law on the job Creation that under discussion by the Parliament and the government. According to him, The Bill of Job Creation is a good way to remove bureaucratization and regulations that have hindered economic development so far.
“The idea of the Cipta Karya Bill, both in terms of law and economics, is to carry out regulatory efficiency and avoid bureaucratization that impedes economic development,” Adji said (20/6 ).
Lecturer of the Postgraduate Program in Legal Studies Universitas Indonesia (UI ) supports the Job Creation Bill being passed immediately because it can become a need for Indonesian regulations. Moreover, many Micro Smalls and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs ) are affected by the coronavirus outbreak or Covid-19.
“During the coronavirus outbreak, sure this will allow the MSME which is very promising because this MSME business is one of the types of business activities that had survived well and had much strengthened the network of the lower middle level of society. MSME is one of the pillars of the national economy which must still be returned,” he said.
Although, he considers that the application of the Job Creation Bill can be done in one or two more years because Indonesia is facing an emergency of the coronavirus outbreak. “It could have been postponed for the implementation of the Act for example 1 or 2 years and this needs an agreement and political decisions between the Government and the Parliament,” he said.
Source: Pakar Hukum: RUU Ciptaker Efisiensi Regulasi Ekonomi.