Learning Geopolitical Dynamics from Kris Wijoyo’s Book
Today geopolitical dynamics have an impact on the global situation, Indonesia is no exception. The dynamics include the conflict of influence between the United States and China, the conflict in the Middle East, and the spread of transnational radicalism in the name of religion.
Kris Wijoyo Soepandji, a lecturer of Legal Studies at Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia (FHUI), at the launch of his book entitled Theory of State: Today’s Geopolitical Perspectives in Batavia Tower, Jakarta (Saturday, 16/12/2017), he argued that the dynamics can have an effect on national stability. Moreover, Indonesia will welcome the political year in 2018 and 2019.
He said to not let geopolitical dynamics cause division among the society. Because, geopolitical dynamics can directly or indirectly affect the interests of the Indonesian people, in the social, economic, political, and military.
Furthermore, the Founding Partner in Krisna Strategic Policy Firm mentioned in his book, there are four important historical events influenced by geopolitical dynamics. First, the fall of Constantinople into the hands of the Ottomans that encouraged the European nations to seek alternative paths of natural resource distribution by controlling the commodity trade routes of Asia, America and Africa.
Secondly, the diplomacy of Indonesian independence (1945-1949). Third, the diplomacy of the return of West Irian to Indonesia which took place during the Cold War between the Western Bloc led by the United States and the Eastern Bloc led by the Soviet Union. Fourth, the separation of East Timor from Indonesia in 1999 after the end of the Cold War, at which time international opinion increasingly cornered Indonesia, resulting in the 1999 popular referendum.
“In general, geopolitics speaks three things, first, human interaction in a power relationship (political) within a given space. Secondly, how the main geopolitical actor is no longer centered on the state, but to non-state actors who increasingly have a high role and legitimacy. Third, relating to the control and utilization of resources, “said Kris.
On the same occasion, Head of Legal Studies Division of FHUI Budi Darmono, said that the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on August 17, 1945 was a proof of the geopolitical awareness of the founding fathers of Indonesia. At that time, the Proclamation of Independence was done by the founders of the nation by utilizing the momentum of vacuum of power after Japan surrendered to the Allies on August 15, 1945.
Prior to the Proclamation of Independence, the founders of the nation who were working together in the Independence Preparation and Investigation Agency (Badan Penyelidik Usaha-Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan—BPUPK) on May 29 to June 1, 1945, convened to formulate the principle of the country which came to be known as Pancasila. In this case, Pancasila offered a new idea to the world of theory of state. Until now, the world is generally a dichotomy between a theocracy and a secular state.
“However, by recognizing the principle of Faith in One God, Pancasila offered a middle ground to be neither a theocracy nor a secular state. The middle path offered by Pancasila is what is needed in the wake of geopolitical dynamics, “said Budi.
The book launch organized by President University, FHUI, Young National Discussion Forum, and supported by Krishna Strategic Policy Firm were also attended by national figures, such as Former Chief of Staff of the Republic of Indonesia Army Purn. Muldoko as keynote speaker, Former Governor of Lemhannas Prof. Budi Susilo Soepandji, and Prof. Dadan Umar Daihani from Lemhannas.