International Workshop on Strategic Correlation Constitutional Law and International Law
The International Affairs of the Faculty of Law at the Universitas Indonesia held an International Workshop on Strategic Constitutional Law and International Law on Monday, November 5, 2018, in the Faculty of Law Faculty, UI Depok Campus.
This workshop invited many notable speakers, namely Prof. Adrienne Stone (University of Melbourne), Prof. Mr. Theo de Roos (Former Justice Dutch Court of Appeal), Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana (Universitas Indonesia), Prof. Jimly Asshiddiqie (Universitas Indonesia), Prof.Satya Arinanto (Universitas Indonesia).
The relationship between international law and the constitutional law of a country will always be influenced by how since the beginning a country has a policy view on the implementation of international law in its domestic sphere. It is almost universally seen that the constitution of a country is a form of state sovereignty and cannot be imposed by the power of other countries to change it. However, the relationship between these two branches of law is always interesting because over time the relationship increases. This is influenced by the increasing number of things that are jointly regulated between countries both bilaterally, regionally and multilaterally.
By bringing together experts in the field of Constitutional Law and International Law, this workshop aims to discuss how the state, especially the judges, use international law as a source of legal considerations and what are the national opinions on the intersection of international law and domestic constitutional law.