International Intellectual Property And The ASEAN Way: Pathways To Interoperability
Prof. Dr. Agus Sardjono, SH, MH is one of 17 authors whose work is published in a book entitled “International Intellectual Property and The ASEAN Way: Pathways To Interoperability”. He has previously studied intellectual property rights and cultural heritage in Indonesia.
The Chapter of “Challenges for ASEAN Interoperability: Lessons From Research on Cultural Heritage Protection in Indonesia” examined efforts to protect sovereign intellectual property rights and develop international cooperation, especially regarding traditional Indonesian knowledge of medicines.
The research aimed to assess how intellectual groups could influence the lives of local craftsmen. The research also underlined the inconsistency between intellectual property arrangements with the mindset and practices of Indonesian businessmen.
Prof. Dr. Agus Sardjono is a tenured professor at FHUI. Since 1988 until now, he has been active in conducting research and writing for various legal journals and mass media. He was a member of the drafting team of the Draft Law on Traffic of Goods and Services in 2002 and the Draft Law on Trade in 2003.