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Important Message from Dr. HM Din Syamsuddin, MA for FHUI Academic Community

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Important Message from Dr. HM Din Syamsuddin, MA for FHUI Academic Community

Tuesday, July 03 rd, 2018. Chairman of the Advisory Council of Majelis Ulama Indonesia Prof. Dr. HM Din Syamsuddin, MA attended Halal Bihalal with Leaders and Family of academic community Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia on Tuesday, 03 July 2018 at Djokosoetono Auditorium, FHUI, UI Depok Campus.

Halal Bihalal is held regularly every year by FHUI in order to extend the hospitality in the presence of all academic community members whether Muslim and non-Muslim without exception.

In his speech, Prof. Dr. HM Din Syamsuddin, MA   said that in essence, Ramadan worship contains two main functions. The first Tazkiyatun Nafs (self-purification), which purifies the bad thing in itself so that Muslim is ‘reborn’   as a clean person. Second, Takwiyatun Nafs (Self-Enhancement), which strengthens human potential or strength in personality.

According to Prof. Dr. HM Din Syamsuddin, MA Halal Bihalal actually is not a celebration of joy but contains an important value for the meaning of Ramadan is maintained and enhanced as a path to devotion. Halal Bihalal is very important to be practiced by Muslims, because it contains goodness especially silaturrahim or hospitality.

“Eid is a holy day and we have returned to the true nature of humanity. But the word ‘fitri’ also means strength, which means it is the human potentials, the human powers that are important to humans to live this life,” he added.

All worship in the month of Ramadan is the training for humans that is for self-purification and self-empowerment.

About the author

➖ Kampus UI Depok Jl. Prof. Mr. Djokosoetono, Kampus FHUI Gedung A Depok 16424, Jawa Barat Telepon (021) 7270003, 7863288 Faks (021) 7270052. E-mail: humas-fh@ui.ac.id & lawschool@ui.ac.id ... ➖ Kampus UI Salemba Gedung IASTH Lt. 2, Jl. Salemba Raya No.4, Jakarta 10430 Tel : (021) 31909008 Faks : (021) 39899148
Humas FH UI