Focus Group Discussion on “Study of Protection and Ease of Doing Business through Changes in the Fiduciary Law”
Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia held a Focus Group Discussion on “Study of Protection and Ease of Doing Business through Changes in the Fiduciary Law” on Friday, September 28, 2018 in the Bhenyamin Hoessien Room, F Building, FHUI, UI Depok Campus.
The development of the digital era now requires various conveniences in business. Law as one of the development instruments is expected to adapt and facilitate these developments. On the other hand, the law must also be able to provide adequate protection for stakeholders. Fiduciary is one of the legal instruments that need to be studied in order to realize this.
This FGD discussed several issues related to the current fiduciary law that need to be adjusted to meet the current development. These problems include the scope of fiduciary, the imposition of fiduciary, especially concerning intellectual property, registration and elimination of fiduciary, execution, including criminal sanctions.
The FGD invited five speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Agus Sardjono, SH, MH (Professor of FHUI on Intellectual Property Rights), Dr. Udin Narsudin, SH, M.Hum. (South Tangerang City Notary and PPAT), Arief Rachmat Permana (Head of Research and Development for Financial Services Sector from the Financial Services Authority), Ita Astriani (Legal Divison Head of PT. Indomobil Finance Indonesia), and Aria Sujudi.
With participants from the representatives of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, FHUI Academic Society, Practitioners, Law Enforcement Officials and the general public, it is expected that with this FGD, the participants will get knowledge about the problems and obstacles in the field related to the application of the fiduciary law and gain knowledge about the provisions of the fiduciary law that needs to be revised and added to the bill to amend the Fiduciary Law in the future.