FHUI Doctor Analyzed the Arrangement of Special and Different Treatment Principles in WTO Agreement
The existence of World Trade Organization as an international organization has an important role in international trade, particularly in promoting economic development and poverty reduction. The organization ensures that all the needs and benefits of the welfare are increasing in the context of the multilateral trading system especially for developing countries where most of the WTO member countries are in this category.
The gap in economic and technological capabilities differs from country to country resulting in the classification of countries. The classification of the countries is differentiated in rich and poor countries.
The economic weakness of developing countries and underdeveloped countries requires countries to continue to do development aspects for their country. One way is to actively engage in the WTO’s multilateral trading system itself, including Indonesia.
However, the problem that arises is a gap between the weaker economic capability of developing countries compared to developed countries often results in developing countries not having a level bargaining position on existing trade liberalization policies.
Based on this background, Maslihati Nur Hidayati conducted a research using Black Letter approach. The Black Letter approach is a special way of interpreting what is considered legal research, including any material that is considered relevant.
Maslihati Nur Hidayati successfully defended her dissertation entitled “Special and Different Treatment in Agreement On Agriculture of World Trade Organization: Study on Regulation of Agricultural Sector of Indonesia (1995-2015)” before the Chairman of Dissertation Defence Session, Prof. Melda Kamil Ariadno, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D., with the Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Rosa Agustina, S.H., M.H., as the Promoter Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D., and Prof. Erman Rajagukguk, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D. and the co-promotor and the seven members of the examiners, namely Prof. Dr. Rosa Agustina, S.H., M.H., Prof. Dr. Valerine J.L. Kriekhoff, S.H., M.A., Prof. Achmad Zen Umar Purba, S.H., LL.M., Prof. Dr. Satya Arinanto, S.H., M.H., Dr. Yetty Komalasari Dewi, S.H., MLI., Arie Afriansyah, S.H., M.I.L., Ph.D., and Dr. Ir. Riyanto, S.H., LL.M. on Monday, April 16, 2018, at the Djokosoetono Auditorium, FHUI, UI Campus, Depok.
After presenting her dissertation and answering questions raised by the board of examiners, Maslihati Nur Hidayati was awarded the title of Doctor of Legal Studies with a very satisfying predicate.