Execution in Theory and Practice
Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia held a Public Lecture “Execution in Theory and Practice” on Tuesday, April 17, 2018, at Djokosoetono Auditorium, FHUI, UI Campus, Depok.
This general lecture invited Dr. Ifa Sudewi, S.H., M.Hum. (Appellate Judge of Bali Court of Appeals. The Appellate Judge who has the life motto of “Finish the little things to realize the big dreams” explained about Execution in Theory and Practice in front of the second year students on Civil Procedural Law course.
According to Retno Wulan Sutantio, Execution is a coercive act by the Court against the losing party who does not want to implement the decision voluntarily.
There are several basic laws of execution, they are Article 195 to 224 HIR / Article 206 to 258 RGB, several Articles have been revoked (Article 209 to 223 HIR), Article 195 to 208 HIR / Article 206 to 240 RBG still in force, Article 224 HIR concerning Article 258 RBG, Article 225 HIR / Article 259 RBG regarding the execution of the court decision “to do something”, and Law Number 48 Year 2009 About Judicial Authority.