“The Objective of Trademark to Protect Consumer: Study on The Problem of Counterfeit Medicines in Indonesia”
Henny Marlyna succeeded in defending her dissertation entitled “The Objective of Trademark to Protect Consumer: Study on The Problem of Counterfeit Medicines in Indonesia”. before the Academic Session of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia led by Dr. Edmon Makarim, S.H., S.Kom., LL.M With members consisting of Promoter Prof. Dr. Agus Sardjono, S.H., M.H., Co-Promotor Dr. Jufrina Rizal, S.H., M.A., and Dr. Inosentius Samsul, S.H., M.H. Examining Board consists of Prof. Dr. Rosa Agustina, S.H., M.H., Prof. Achmad Zen Umar Purba, S.H., LL.M., Dr. Andri Gunawan Wibisana, S.H., LL.M., Dr. Susilowati S. Dajaan, S.H., LL.M., and Dr. Henry Soelistyo, S.H., LL.M.
The Dissertation Defense was held on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at the Djokosoetono Convention Center, FHUI, Depok, at 09.00 -. 11.00 WIB.
Henny Marlyna’s dissertation examines the application of the Trademark Law in overcoming the problem of counterfeit medicines in Indonesia to examine trademark’s objective in protecting consumers. This study used socio-legal research methods, a combination of methods of doctrinal legal research and empirical legal research methods.
The conclusion of her dissertation is the concept of trademark objective to protect consumers based on the development of the brand protection concepts and economic analysis theory. Trademark law should not be forced to protect consumers because it will damage the legal protection systems. In order that consumers can be protected from the dangers of counterfeit medicines, law enforcement must be carried out by the public as a form of state intervention to protect consumers by using other public law, especially the Health Law.
After presenting her dissertation and answering the questions raised by the board of examiners, Henny Marlyna was awarded the title of Doctor of Legal Studies with a very satisfying predicate. Dr. Henny Marlyna is the 265 Doctor produced by the Legal Studies Program, the Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia, is the 8th Doctorate (eight) who graduated in 2019 and 220th Doctorate (two hundred and thirty) who graduated after the Postgraduate Program was held directly by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia.