Doctoral Promotion of Daly Erni
“Administrative Justice in the Government Administration in the Citizen Administration in Indonesia”
Daly Erni successfully defended her dissertation entitled “Administrative Justice in the Government Administration in the Citizen Administration in Indonesia” before the Academic Session of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia led by Prof. Dr. Rosa Agustina, S.H., M.H., With members consisting of Promoter Dr. Tri Hayati, S.H., M.H., Co-Promoter Dr. Jufrina Rizal, S.H., M.A., and Dr. Harsanto Nursadi, S.H., M.Sc., Examining Member, Prof. Dr. Rosa Agustina, S.H., M.H., Prof. Dr. Irfan Ridwan Maksum, M.Sc., Prof. Dr. Guntur Hamzah, S.H., M.H., and Prof. Amzulian Rifai, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D.
The Dissertation Defense was held on Friday, January 18, 2019 at the Djokosoetono Convention Center, FHUI, Depok, at 09.00 -. 11.00 WIB.
In her dissertation, Daly Erni discussed the arrangement of government affairs in the field of citizen administration related to other laws and regulations, which were then faced with the fulfillment of administrative justice in its implementation. Administrative justice intended is administrative justice, and not administrative of justice, in which administrative justice is born from administrative activities within the executive sphere and not in terms of administrative court.
The method used in this study is Documentary Research or Document Research where the main material is secondary data. The object of the research is population data. With data and materials obtained, processing, analysis and construction of data are carried out in a qualitative manner. To get the results of research in accordance with the objectives set, used several approaches, namely the conceptual approach, analytical approach, case approach, the legal approach are used to examine the synchronization between regulations.
The results of this study are expected to provide input for policymakers in order to increase efforts to protect personal identities as protection of legal certainty. In the implementation of citizen administration reflects the fairness of administration and its usefulness. In addition, as input to the government in providing services, paying attention to aspects of administrative justice, which is then felt by the community as the user, and as the subject and object of development.
After presenting her dissertation and answering the questions raised by the board of examiners, Daly Erni was awarded the title of Doctor of Legal Studies with a very satisfying predicate.
Dr. Daly Erni is the 260th Doctor produced by the Legal Studies Program, the Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia, is the 3rd Doctorate (three) who graduated in 2019 and the 225th Doctorate (two hundred twenty-five) who graduated after the Postgraduate Program was held directly by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia.