Collaboration Visit from Leiden Law School
The Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia received a collaborative visit from Leiden Law School on Monday, November 26, 2018 at Poernadi Room, FHUI, UI Depok Campus.
This visit was a cooperation visit between FHUI and Leiden Law School. As is known, FHUI continues to improve internationalization through various international collaborations to encourage the realization of the FHUI as a well-known Faculty of Law in the “Southeast Asia” region.
The form of collaboration between FHUI and Leiden Law School, namely Teaching Staff Exchange Program. Then, with this collaboration for the first time, FHUI also applied the Teaching Staff Exchange between FHUI and Leiden Law School through the implementation of the Guest Lectures from Leiden Law School which presented several lectures, such as “Immigration Control: Complexities of Controlling Migration and Combating Exploitation”, and “Legal Education and Legal Interpretation in Indonesia and the Netherlands: Opposite Developments from Common Roots” as well as a presentation on “English Taught Programme at Leiden Law”.