Understanding Emergency Constitutional Law As a part of the 94th Anniversary Celebrations of the Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia, the Field of Study of Constitutional Law of the Faculty of Law held a National Seminar entitled “Constitutional Stability in the Latest Economic Challenges” on October 18, 2018. The seminar which took place at the Djokosoetono...Read More
Seminar on International Trade Law From the CISG Perspective The International Law Moot Court Society of the Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia organized the International Trade Law Seminar from the CISG perspective, on Wednesday 17 October 2018. The seminar was attended by the CEO of PrivyID, Marshall Pribadi, SE, SH as the speaker. The International...Read More
A Visit from Al Azhar 4 Bekasi Senior High School Tuesday, October 16, 2018 – The Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia (FHUI) received a visit from of Al Azhar 4 Bekasi Senior High School on Tuesday (16/10) at the S&T Room, UI Depok Campus. The visit was attended by 74 students and 4 accompanying teachers....Read More
Seminar on “Nuptial Agreement and Child Custody in Mixed Marriage and International Private Law Draft as Preparations for Indonesia to face ASEAN One Community” The Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia held a Seminar on “Nuptial Agreement and Child Custody in Mixed Marriage and International Private Law Draft as Preparations for Indonesia to face ASEAN One...Read More
Annotation of the Corruption Case Decision on Electronic Citizen Identity Card (e-KTP), This Is the Result Allegations of corruption project of electronic Citizen Identity Card (e-KTP) became one of significant corruption cases because of the amount of loss that incurred to the state amounting to IDR 2,3 trillion. Not only that, this case also dragged a number of...Read More
Commemoration and Reflection on the Thought Contribution of Prof. Tapi Omas Ihromi in “Legal Anthropology” and “Gender and Law” in Indonesia The study field of Law, Society and Development Studies at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with the Djojodigoeno Customary Law Study Center, Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University, held a Memorial Seminar...Read More
A Visit from Pangudi Luhur Jakarta Senior High School Thursday, October 11, 2018 – The Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia (FHUI) received a visit from of Pangudi Luhur Jakarta Senior High School on Thursday (11/10) at the Boedi Harsono Room, UI Depok Campus. The visit was attended by 100 students and 4 accompanying teachers. As...Read More
Negative Campaigns and Black Campaigns: What’s the Difference? Professor of Criminal Law at the Universitas Indonesia, Topo Santoso, explained the difference between negative campaigns with black campaign. In electoral law, negative campaigns are permitted, while black campaigns are prohibited and can be subject to criminal sanctions as stated in Article 280 paragraph (1) letter c and Article 521....Read More
Soft Skills Coaching for the 2018 FHUI New Students Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia held Soft Skills Coaching for 2018 FHUI New Students from 5-7 October 2018 at the Grand Cempaka Resort, Megamendung Bogor. This soft skills coaching was the first coaching activity carried out by FHUI with the aim to internalize morals, values, character and integrity, providing basic...Read More
Public Discussion and Book Launch of Perwakilan dan Kuasa (Representation and Authority) The Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with the FHUI Student Cooperative and Armand Yapsunto Muharamsyah and Partners (AYMP) held a Public Discussion and Book Launching of “Perwakilan dan Kuasa” (Representation and Authority) by J. Satrio on Monday, October 8, 2018 at...Read More