Center of Islam and Islamic Studies, Universitas Indonesia (LKIHI FHUI) and the Association of Indonesian Islamic Law Lecturers (ADHII) proudly present:
5th International Conference on Islamic Law in Indonesia with the theme “The Role of Islamic Law and Islamic Institution in Dealing with Global Disaster”
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline : November, 14th 2020
Announcement of Accepted Paper : November, 15th 2020
Registration Deadline : November, 16th 2020
Conference Day : November, 17th-18th 2020
Plenary Speakers
1. Prof. Dato Ahmad Kameel (Professor in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences International Islamic University Malaysia)
2. Datin Prof. Dr. Raihanah bt Hj Abdullah (Professor at the Department of Shariah and Law, Academy of Islamic Studies of Universiti Malaya
3. Dr Burhan Uluyol (Associate Professor at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Turkey)
4. Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Gani Abdullah (Law Professor at Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and Former Supreme Court Judge)
5. Prof. Dr. Yaswirman (Law Professor at Universitas Andalas, Padang)
6. Prof. Dr. Palmawati Tahir, S.H, M.H. (Law professor at Universitas Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Banten)
Alternative of Outputs
1. Proceeding for Paper in English(Atlantis Press)
2. National Journal for Paper in Indonesia (SINTA 2 Accredited)
Further Information:
0852 1111 3172 (LKIHI FHUI) or lkihi.fhui@ui.ac.id