Wednesday (16/10), Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia, accept a visit from Al-Azhar 4 Islamic Senior High School Bekasi at S&T room, FH UI, Depok campus. This visit was attended by 68 students, teacher, and vice-principal from Al-Azhar 4 Islamic Senior High School Bekasi.
Also, there are representatives of faculty who attend this visit to explain the faculty. They are Wahyu Andrianto, S.H., M.H., Nadia Maulisa, S.H., M.H., and Djarot Dimas, S.H.
For this visit, the students invited to review everything about FHUI’s profile. They watched a video which was then explained by the three speakers. In their explanations, can be concluded that FHUI becomes the number one of law faculty in Indonesia. Within the best facility among other faculty at the University of Indonesia, FHUI managed to generate the best people in the law sector such as Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H. dan Yusril Ihza Mahendra S.H., M.Sc.