On Monday, 29 April, Faculty of Law University of Indonesia held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in Guru Besar Room FHUI, Depok.
This FGD held as a follow-up of the seminar that held by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia and meetings that discuss the bill of Private International Law 1997/1998 also Academic Manuscript Bill of Private Law 2015 that held by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia for a year.
These FGD covers discuss the personal status of Indonesian citizens who live abroad, foreigners, dual citizenship, and people who are not citizens in Indonesia. Also, Family law that has a foreign element in it.
In the bill of Private International Law 1997/1998 and Academic Manuscript Bill of Private Law, 2015 rules regarding the personal status will be discussed and made the articles.
The main purpose of this FGD is to examine more thoughts thus producing a recommendation for future steps to develop articles about the bill of Private International Law 1997/1998 and Academic Manuscript Bill of Private Law, 2015.