Public Lecture “The Development of Criminal Procedure Law: A Perspective of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia”
Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia held a Public Lecture on Criminal Procedure Law “The Development of Criminal Procedure Law: A Perspective of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia” with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dr. H. Muhammad Hatta Ali, S.H., M.H as the speaker on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at Djokosoetono Auditorium, FHUI, Depok Campus.
As the highest court, the Supreme Court is a cassation court tasked with fostering uniformity in the application of the law through the decision of the cassation and court review to keep all laws and regulations throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia applied fairly, appropriately and correctly.
In addition to its duties as the Court of Cassation, the Supreme Court has the authority to examine and decide at the first and final level, all disputes over the authority to adjudicate, petition for court review which has obtained permanent legal force (Articles 28, 29, 30, 33 and 34 of Law No. 14 of 1985 on Supreme Court), all disputes arising from the confiscation of foreign ships and their cargo by warships of the Republic of Indonesia under the applicable regulations (Articles 33 and 78 of Law No. 14 of 1985 on Supreme Court)
Closely related to the function of the judiciary is the right to adjudicate or review the material substance of regulations under the law, namely the authority to judicially review or adjudicate the law under the law on whether a regulation in terms of its contents (the material) is contrary to the rules of a higher level law (Article 31 of Law No. 14 of 1985 on Supreme Court).
According to Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Hatta Ali, S.H., M.H., the law is dynamic, following the development of society. Therefore, a quality law must fulfill the sense of community justice, the law that is rooted in the system, values and living culture in society, and can be adapted to the development of today’s global dynamics oriented to achieve of prosperity for the society and people of Indonesia.