"VOX POPULI VOX DEI" Suara Rakyat adalah Suara Tuhan.

Regular Class

Creating Remarkable Bachelor of Laws Graduates

Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia (Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia—FHUI) organizes undergraduate academic program (S1; Bachelor) on Regular Class which aims to foster remarkable legal scholars, who have the qualification as follows: (i) master the extensive comprehension of law and legal system of Indonesia; (ii) possess basic skills and scholarly knowledge to develop laws and jurisprudence; (iii) sensitive to justice and social issues; (iv) capable of recognizing and analyzing legal problems; and, (v) capable to apply laws and legislation to resolve legal issues.


FHUI curriculum is designed to be completed in eight (8) semesters with a maximum period of twelve (12) semesters. To graduate as Bachelor of Laws, students must collect at least 144 credits, including thesis. On undergraduate level, FHUI offers only one (1) study program namely Legal Studies Study Program that educates legal scholars.

However, in preparing the thesis, students may elect among several specializations, namely the Civil Law; Constitutional law; Administrative Law; Criminal law; Society and Development Law; Islamic law; Economic Law; Agrarian Law; Labour Law; Private International Law; Public International Law; Environment and Natural Resources Law; Legal Practitioners; etc.

Lecture Schedule

Regular Classroom lectures starts at 08:00 to 15:00 Indonesia Western Time every Monday to Friday.

New Students Admission

The requirements to be admitted as a student in Regular Class of Undergraduate Program are as follows:

  1. Participant of national examination or high school alumna graduated this year or up to two years earlier; and,
  2. Pass the admission test of SNMPTN, SBMPTN or SIMAK UI.

High school graduates from Indonesia and overseas may sign up to be admitted as a student in Regular Class of Undergraduate Program through any of these selection tracks, namely:

  1. Admission Test track held by Universitas Indonesia (Seleksi Masuk Universitas Indonesia—SIMAK UI) or State University Joint Entrance Selection (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri—SBMPTN); and,
  2. Invitation Track through State University National Entrance Selection (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri—SNMPTN) or Academic Performance Scouting (Penjaringan Prestasi Akademik—PPA), Academic Achievement and Equal Learning Opportunity Selection (Seleksi Prestasi dan Pemerataan Kesempatan Belajar—PPKB) and through talent scouting track in which students are offered direct invitation by Universitas Indonesia.

Further information on the procedures and schedule of student admission can be found on the website www.penerimaan.ui.ac.id.

Secretariat of Regular Class of Undergraduate Program Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia

FHUI Campus Building A, 2nd Floor 16424 Depok, West Java

Phone (021) 7270003 ex. 16

Fax (021) 7270052

e-mail s1reguler@law.ui.ac.id

Humas FH UI