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Master Of Legal Studies

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia > Master Of Legal Studies


Program Profile

The dynamics of change in the society have brought about a variety of new legal problems. Globalization also contributes to the changing relations between the countries in the world. In order to better anticipate the developments that occur due to changes in society and because of the demands of globalization, Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia (FHUI) as the leading legal education provider in Indonesia—Universitas Indonesia occupies the first rank of all universities in Indonesia version of the THES and QS 2009—administers Master of Legal Studies Program by opening several specialization.


  • Economic Law
  • State Law (HTN / HAN)
  • Law and Criminal Justice System
  • Islamic Legal Studies
  • Intellectual Property Law and Information Technology Law
  • International Trade Law
  • Transnational Law
  • Human Rights and Good Governance
  • Public Finance Law
  • Labour Law
  • Natural Resources Law
  • Litigation Practice

Program Objectives

Master of Legal Studies Postgraduate Program aims to foster future legal scholars to possess these comprehensive capabilities:

  1. possess the strong critical analysis capability in conducting research, having the extensive comprehension of the theory and methodology of jurisprudence as an approach in solving legal issues;
  2. being a driving force of promoting legal reform and law in resolving the legal issue; and
  • implementing their knowledge to the execution of daily tasks.

Program Delivery

  1. Teaching and learning methods are conducted through face to face lectures, compulsory reading materials and references, class discussion, paper writing, and examination.
  2. Occasionally, public lecture is held by the faculty with foreign guest lecturer from partner universities or professional practitioners that delivered in a large classroom or via teleconference / video conference.
  3. The teaching and learning methods are directed to the e-learning technology and distance learning.
  4. The teaching method is delivered using a variety of the latest teaching aids.
  5. Academic registration is integrated with tuition billing system on our SIAK-NG UI.
  6. Computerized system of attendance, assessment and students evaluation.
  7. A student must collect a minimum of 42 credits, with the following details:
  • 18 credits on the core competency courses,
  • 16 to 24 credits on the supporting competency courses,
  • 2 to 6 credits on elective courses.
  1. Students are expected to complete the program in 3 (three) semesters for Regular Class (morning) and 4 (four) semesters for Special Class (afternoon).
  2. Maximum period of the program to be completed is 6 (six) semesters or 3 (three) years for Regular Class (morning) and 7 (seven) semester or 3.5 (three and a half) years for Special Class (afternoon). Students who fail to complete their program within the maximum time limit will be automatically discontinued from the program (Drop Out).

Academic Degree

Graduates of Master of Legal Studies Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia will be entitled to bear the title of Magister Hukum (M.H.) or Master of Laws.

Student Admissions

Selection criteria for admissions are based on the following requirements.

  1. Graduated from undergraduate program and possess Bachelor of Laws degree (SH) from state university or private university that has been accredited at least B or graduated from overseas university with certificate of graduation that has been legalized by Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud RI) meanwhile foreign students must obtain permission from Director General of Higher Education Kemendikbud RI;
  2. Pass the Academic Potential Test (Tes Potensi Akademik—TPA); and
  3. Pass the English Proficiency Test.

Prospective students must submit the application online through www.penerimaan.ui.ac.id.

For further information regarding the Master of Legal Studies Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia please contact:

Secretariat for Postgraduate Program Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia

Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4 Jakarta 10430

Tel. (021) 31909008

Fax. (021) 39899148

E-mail mh@law.ui.ac.id


Humas FH UI