Proportion of women first-generation
Number of women starting a degree
Number of first-generation women starting a degree
To achieve the goal of gender equality, FHUI has held many women’s empowerment programs, one of which is the establishment of a women’s and children’s legal clinic that can be accessed among the general public. FHUI also provides a mother’s room, which is a private space for women to breastfeed freely. In addition, research and community service on mothers and children have also been carried out to increase knowledge
5.3.1 Tracking access measures
Systematically measure and track women’s application rate, acceptance or entry rate, and study completion rate at the university.
Women student tracking access measures were carried out by The Admission Office of Universitas Indonesia, covering the application and acceptance rate with integration of database and information system. The data in 2020 dan 2021 showed that the number of female applicants and admissions were higher than males. This reflects that everyone is welcomed to study in Universitas Indonesia regardless gender, religion and ethnicity.
5.3.2 Policy for women applications and entry
Have a policy (e.g. an Access and Participation plan) addressing women’s applications, acceptance, entry, and participation at the university.
FHUI has always supported the Universitas Indonesia’s policies regarding enrollment and acceptance of female students. This is reflected in the number of female student admissions whose numbers are not significantly different from that of males.
5.3.3 Women’s access schemes
Provide women’s access schemes, including mentoring, scholarships, or other provision
Other targeted support
Scholarships that have been distributed along the year to students have include both male and female. Female students that have accepted scolarships are about 40%. This represent the nonexistent of gender inequality when it comes to scholarship access.
5.3.4. Women’s application in underrepresented subjects
Encourage applications by women in subjects where they are underrepresented. Through university outreach or through collaboration with other universities, community groups, government or NGOs in regional or national campaigns.
The Faculty of Law has always encouraged the application of women and children in underrepresented subjects by providing special classes that discuss the roles and rights of women and children, namely women’s and children’s legal clinics. In addition, several Research Centers in the Faculty of Public Health collaborate a lot with NGOs engaged in women’s empowerment and conduct a lot of research on the role of women in the field of law. In 2021, the collaborations are as follows:
Pelatihan Perspektif Gender dan Kapasitas dalam Penanganan Kasus Kekerasan Seksual bagi Paralegal, collaboration between Djokosoetono Research Centre FHUI dengan The Asia Foundation which was carried out on the date 23-25 November 2022
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The University of Indonesia ensures that female and male staff have equal opportunities in the positions of professors, deanates, and senior leaders of the university. This is reflected in the proportion of female senior academic staff at FHUI. We have 17 female senior academic staff, out of 42 female and male senior academic staff. This shows that the University of Indonesia promotes women appropriately and that their leadership reflects gender balance.
The number of female graduates often exceeds the number of male graduates. This suggests that there are no significant barriers to the educational process related to gender. FHUI supports the advancement of women’s competencies in the fields of Law, education and research.
5.6.1 Policy of non-discrimination vs women
Indonesian government doesn’t have specific gender requirements in the process of civil servants admission, so everyone has a chance in the selection process and to be chosen as a civil servant. Just like Indonesian government, Universitas Indonesia, through Rector’s Regulation number 33 in 2018, doesn’t set a specific gender requirement in the selection process. With that being said, everyone has a chance to follow the selection process and be chosen as an employee after they have passed tests.
Universitas Indonesia also has organizational values which are reflected by laws and regulated in Rector’s Decree number 2719 in 2019 about 9 University Values. Just and Fair Value shows by giving fair, non-discriminative chances and treatment for every person despite the differences in race, ethnic, religion, gender, marriage status, age, disabilities, and sexual orientation.
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5.6.2 Non-discrimination policies for transgender
Indonesian government doesn’t have specific gender requirements in the process of civil servants admission, so everyone has a chance in the selection process and to be chosen as a civil servant. Just like Indonesian government, Universitas Indonesia, through Rector’s Regulation number 33 in 2018, doesn’t set a specific gender requirement in the selection process. With that being said, everyone has a chance to follow the selection process and be chosen as an employee in Universitas Indonesia after they have passed tests set by Universitas Indonesia.
All prospective students and employees have the chance to participate in the hiring and admission process and be chosen as an employee after they have passed tests. Universitas Indonesia also has organizational values which are reflected by laws and regulated in Rector’s Decree number 2719 in 2019 about 9 University Values. Just and Fair Value shows by giving fair, non-discriminative chances and treatment for every person regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity, age, marital status, age, disabilities, sexual orientation, and gender identities.
With that being said, Universitas Indonesia also has a communality principle which the key of this principle is to set high tolerance despite the difference in ethnic, nationality, religion, and race and accept them as cultural diversity.
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5.6.3 Maternity and paternity policies
Universitas Indonesia has a maternity and paternity policy that supports women’s participation. For example in Rector’s Regulation number 33 in 2018 about Human Resources Management in Universitas Indonesia articles 73, 74, and 76 which gives maternity leave for the female employees and paternal leave for the male employees whose wives are giving birth as stated. Parental leave is given for a maximum three months and the employees are still given full salary. Meanwhile, the emergency case leave is provided for male employees with newborn babies. Universitas Indonesia provides a lot of facilities for working mothers and students. This includes the lactation room facility in all faculties. Lactation room is provided with an air conditioner and also sterilizer in order for the female employees to be able to give breast milk smoothly to their children.
Universitas Indonesia provides a lot of facilities for working mothers and students. This includes the lactation room facility in all faculties. Lactation room is provided with an air conditioner and also sterilizer in order for the female employees to be able to give breast milk smoothly to their children. One of the lactation rooms in Universitas Indonesia is located in the Administration Centre Building on the sixth floor.
5.6.4 Childcare facilities for students
Universitas Indonesia has accessible childcare facilities for students through Early Childhood Development Centre Makara. It is a Special Work Unit with facilities for Early Age Education for all Universitas Indonesia members (lecturers, employees and students). This facility is located at the Faculty of Psychology. It has two programs which are day care and preschool programs which run from 8 AM until 4 PM.
Early Childhood Development Centre Makara is a model park for childcare which is in accordance with health and psychology education for 1 to 4 year-old children. CDMP was built together by the Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, and Faculty of Nursery of Universitas Indonesia. CDMP is a development and educational laboratory for children as a form of contribution for Indonesian citizens, especially children in early childhood. With that being said, students are able to study smoothly without having to worry about their children.
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5.6.5 Childcare facilities for staff and faculty
Universitas Indonesia has childcare facilities for staff and faculty. For example, the Early Childhood Development Centre Makara is a Special Work Unit with facilities for Early Age Education for all Universitas Indonesia members (lecturers, employees and students). It is located at the Faculty of Psychology. It has two programs which are day care and preschool programs. Day care program is suitable for the children of Universitas Indonesia employees because the program runs from 8 AM until 4 PM.
Early Childhood Development Centre Makara is a model park for childcare which is in accordance with health and psychology education for 1 to 4 year-old children. CDMP was built together by the Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, and Faculty of Nursery of Universitas Indonesia. CDMP
is a development and educational laboratory for children as a form of contribution for Indonesian citizens, especially children in early childhood.
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5.6.8 Policies protecting those reporting discrimination
Universitas Indonesia has Rector’s Regulation Number 28 in 2018 regarding Alleged violation reporting system that protects those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage principles. Therefore, everyone can report the violation to the system which is called Whistle Blowing System Universitas Indonesia (WBS UI) or Sistem Pelaporan Dugaan Pelanggaran Universitas Indonesia (Sipduga UI). Whistle Blowing System Universitas Indonesia (WBS UI) is a mechanism for reporting actions or actions suspected of violating the University of Indonesia’s Code of Ethics and Behavior and / or internal regulations and / or laws and regulations carried out by citizens of the University of Indonesia.
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