Course Plan International Undergraduate Program (Even Semester)
Even Semester
Course Code : LWIA610007
Course Title : The Principles of Adat Law
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 3
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 2100 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course discusses the principles of Adat Law, native to Indonesia, which is still adhered to nowadays. The course explains the inception of such law, characteristics and values, and compares it with other laws (Western and National Laws). It also discusses land law and contract law stemmed from these adat laws, as well as the basis and validity of the law, its role and position in the National Law framework, and lastly, its development and modifications nowadays.
Course Code : LWIA610005
Course Title : The Principles of Islamic Law
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 3
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 2100 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course explains the rationale behind the delivery of Islamic Law course at University of Indonesia's Law School. Furthermore, it discusses the scope and characteristics of Islamic Law, purposes, sources, role, principles and history of its development, role and position of Islamic institutions andtheir regulations, as well as Islamic Laws in the State and in the State's legal system.
Course Code : LWTN610008
Course Title : The Principles of Constitutional Law
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 3
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 2100 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course discusses miscellaneous topics related to Constitutional Law, particularly definition and source of Constitutional Law, theories of Constitution, vertical and horizontal governmental systems, human rights, citizenship, political parties, political election as well as state management according to Islamic perspective.
Course Code : LWPI610009
Course Title : The Principles of Criminal Law
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 3
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 2100 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course describes the definition and scope of criminal law, sources of Indonesian criminal law, application of criminal law given the time and the place, criminal offenses, classification of criminal offences, legal causation, violations of laws, wrongful act, criminal liability, criminal attempts, crime and punishment, crime exoneration/criminal defenses, factors reducing and increasing criminal sentences (dasarperingandanpemberatpidana), merger of crimes, accomplices, and the elimination of plaintiff's right to sue.
Course Code : LWPE610006
Course Title : The Principles of Civil Law
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 3
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 2100 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course explains the principles of Civil Law in general. It also elucidatespersonallaw, family law and wills in accordance with theories and provisions governed bythe Indonesian Civil Code and other relevant laws.
Course Code : LWAN610019
Course Title : The Labour Law
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 2
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 1400 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course discusses basic principles, characteristics, and sources of Labor Law/Employment Law. In addition, :issues such as legal philosophy and labor law paradigms from normative perspective will also be discussed - with emphasis given on Labor Mobilization and Utilization, Work Relations and Labor Relations, Health and Workers Safety, Social Security of Labor Force, Dispute Settlement and Termination of Employment.
Course Code : LWET610013
Course Title : The Principles of Commercial Law
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 3
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 2100 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course analyzes legal issues arising from commercial transactions. This main course of Commercial Law covers various agreements in which corporation acts as a legal entity, miscellaneous types of corporations, agents/intermediaries and commercial papers as a form of payment. In addition, relevant laws governing commercial transactions, such as Commercial Code and Civil Code, and their application will also be discussed.
Course Code : LWET610161
Course Title : The Consumers Protection Law
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 2
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 1400 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course studies Consumer Protection Law in Indonesia. The course discusses the history, parties and institutions involved in the transactions. Furthermore, it also studies relevant theories as well as consumer claims that are settled using applicable Consumer laws in Indonesia.
Course Code : LWLK610041
Course Title : Contract Drafting
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 2
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 1400 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis subject offers basic and substantive concepts of business or commercial transactions that occur in Indonesia, their formats and stipulations within. Students are stimulated to think critically and demonstrate good analysis capability to solve actual theoritical and practical problems posed to them in each session.
Course Code : LWIN611103
Course Title : The Law of International and Regional Organization
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 3
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 2100 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course in International and Regional Organizations discusses the position of International and Regional Organizations in International Law. It focuses on the characteristics of International and Regional Organizations; particularly the structures, functions and mechanism of the organizations. Furthermore, the course will analyze legal problems faced by those Organizations.
Course Code : LWET610156
Course Title : The Competition Law
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 2
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 1400 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course describes and discusses the legal basis of business competition, such as background and purposes of Business Competition Law, general principles of Competition Law, unlawful practices and illegal agreements, abuse of authority, enforcement of Competition Law and practices within the boundaries of Competition Law.
Course Code : LWET610149
Course Title : The Law of Investment and Capital Market
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 2
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 1400 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course on Investment and Capital Market, a branch of economic law, is taught at the Law School of the University of Indonesia. Considering the rapid development of Investment and Capital Market both in Indonesia and in other parts of the world, lawyers with good knowledge on Investment and Capital Market are very high on demand. The purpose of this course is to produce competent lawyers who are knowledgeable in Investment and Capital Market in order to meet the market demand.
Course Code : LWIN611101
Course Title : The Law of Treaties
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 2
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 1400 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsInternational Agreements, as one of the sources of International Law, are foundations of public international law. This course studies the inception of International Agreements and their implementation in the Indonesian legal system. The discussion focuses on the role of International Agreements in international law, relationship between International Agreements and international business practices/customs, formation of International Agreements as well as termination of such agreements.
Course Code : LWIN611102
Course Title : The Law of The Sea
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 3
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 2100 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsLaw of the Sea is an essential aspect in international law. This law regulates sovereign nations' activities in making use of their coastal waters for nautical and marine natural resources purposes. The Law of the Sea covers not only the use of water surfaces, but also sea waterways, the bottom floor of the sea and the ground underneath. Several important developments in the Law of the Sea - starting from the era prior to the codification of law, to the Geneva Convention in 1958, and the Law of the Sea Convention in 1982 - would also be examined. In addition, the course also discusses issues such as maritime zone, rights and obligations of coastal nations and foreign vessels, various jurisdictions applied in the seas and settlement of disputes arising from the use of the sea, and, lastly, the application of the Law of the Sea by a number of countries including Indonesia.
Course Code : LWET610014
Course Title : The Cyber Law
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 2
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 1400 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsTelematics Law or Cyberlaw is a new field of law that addresses the national legal development associated with the convergence of telecommunications technology, media and informatics, which in essence is the law on information and communication itself, both the conventional and electronic (internet and cyberspace). The approach taken is a socio-techno-business perspective in which the law will harmonize the technology and business development with the dynamics of the community and the state-nation itself. The materials that would be discussed is included the basics of the information technology and business of media and communications and the application of Information and Communication Technology governance (IT Governance and the Internet Governance) as well as a good understanding of every aspects of some related laws, among others; telecommunications law , the law of mass media and public information, the law of electronic commerce and e-contracts, legal aspects of e-record keeping and corporate documents (e-records management), intellectual property rights (IP in the digital environment), consumer protection , competition law, taxation law, administrative law and public services (e-government and e-public services), criminal law, evidence and procedural law (cybercrime, investigation and digital evidence), national security law (cybersecurity) as well as the basics of the application for legal examination (IT legal audit).
Course Code : LWIN611001
Course Title : The Private International Law
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 3
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 2100 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course discusses history of Private International Law, its development, legal basis, principles, general and specific theories. It also examines ways to identify legal relationships in Private International Law as well as analyzing cases stemmed from relationships classified in Private International Law, where national laws come across with laws of other countries.
Course Code : LWGB610031
Course Title : Professional Responsibility and Ethics
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 2
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 1400 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course studies scope and areas of responsibility of legal profession as well as rules applied to legal practitioners. In addition, the rules that govern the legal professionals in carrying out their duties, namely Legal Ethics and Code of Conduct, will also be discussed.
Course Code : LWGB610032
Course Title : Law and Human Rights
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 2
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 1400 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course discusses Human Rights instruments in Indonesia and in other parts of the world. The course also studies the relationship between law and human rights in Indonesia as governed by Indonesian laws.
Course Code : LWHD610034
Course Title : The Philosophy of Law
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 2
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 1400 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course presents the basic principles of Philosophy of Law, purpose of law and philosophical views. The course emphasizes on several topics such as introduction to philosophy, issues and methods, analytical approach, steps in understanding philosophy as well as understanding jurisprudence (i.e. the study of law and legal system). In addition, the course also studies the difference between law and other empirical subjects, philosophy of law, and normative characteristics of law. Further, the course will also look into philosophical doctrines such as doctrine of fate, legal positivism, Kelsenian doctrine, sociology of law, realism, history of law, court system, and Pancasila as harmonization pillars of legal norms.
Course Code : LWAN610015
Course Title : The Environmental Law
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 3
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 2100 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course discusses and analyzes environmental issues from three different legal angles, namely: criminal law, civil law and administrative law. The course begins with discussion on environmental law principles such as sustainable development, polluter pays principles, precautionary principles, prevention principles, state responsibility and environmental justice. Furthermore, the course discusses the organizational aspect of environment, both in national and local levels, their authorities, responsibilities, roles in environmental planning and conducting strategic environmental assessment. The discussion will be followed by examination of planning instruments such as command and control approach, economic and voluntary approach. Moreover, entitlement and claim, including claim settlements, both in court and other venues, will also be examined in relation to the enforcement of the three legal areas involved (i.e. criminal, civil and administrative laws). Lastly, the course analyzes actual cases derived from environmental law - using theories, practices and decisions - and studies the application of the said three legal sets of laws.
Course Code : LWIA610138
Course Title : The Islamic Economics Law
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 2
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 1400 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course examines economic systems using economics law and Islamic law approach. The course will discuss the sources, psychological principles, basic values and instrumental values as well as principles and economic factors found in Islam. The topics of Islamic economy that will be discussed are: Islamic banks, insurance, stock exchange, bailment, co-operative, National Sharia Council and Sharia Supervisory Body. In addition, the course will also discuss concepts, rules, legal basis as well as Islamic charities in Indonesia.
Course Code : LWPE610029
Course Title : The Conflict of Laws
Faculty : Law
Departement/Program Study : Law
Degree : Bachelor
Campus : Depok
Credit : 3
Term Offered : Even Semester
Contact Hours : 2100 Minutes (Total Minutes per Semester)
Course DescriptionsThis course analyzes the (pluralism) of legal systems and society both in Indonesia and other parts of the world. Moreover, the following issues will be discussed: history of laws, legal basis, principles, and theories of laws. In addition, legal relationships classified as inter-related laws (both External and Internal)as well as determining the most applicable law in a legal case will also be examined.