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Webinar: The Dutch Parliament and Its Relations to the EU Parliament

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia > Pengumuman > Webinar: The Dutch Parliament and Its Relations to the EU Parliament

To celebrate the 97th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law, Universias Indonesia
Constitutional Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia held a Public Lecture with the theme:
The Dutch Parliament and Its Relations to the EU Parliament

Prof. Dr. Remco Nehmelman
Secretary-General (Registrar) of the Senate (Eerste Kamer) of the Parliament of
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
Professor of Public Institutional Law, Utrecht University,
The Netherlands

Dr. Ilse van den Driessche
Representative of the Senate (Eerste Kamer) of the Parliament of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the European Union institutions.

Wednesday, 6 October 2021
14.00 — 16.30 WIB

Registration link:

Live on Youtube:
Tata Negara FHUI

About the author

➖ Kampus UI Depok Jl. Prof. Mr. Djokosoetono, Kampus FHUI Gedung A Depok 16424, Jawa Barat Telepon (021) 7270003, 7863288 Faks (021) 7270052. E-mail: humas-fh@ui.ac.id & lawschool@ui.ac.id ... ➖ Kampus UI Salemba Gedung IASTH Lt. 2, Jl. Salemba Raya No.4, Jakarta 10430 Tel : (021) 31909008 Faks : (021) 39899148
Humas FH UI