Dean of FHUI Opens 3C Forum (Collaborate, Create, Change)
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia Prof. Melda Kamil Ariadno, SH, LL.M., Ph.D., opened the 3C Forum (Collaborate, Create, Change) on Wednesday, September 19, 2018, in the Prof. Bhenyamin Hoessein Room, FHUI, UI Campus Depok.
A forum which was attended by 60 participants was the Banyan Project Opening Universities for Refuges (OUR) in collaboration with The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia.
Opening Universities for Refugees (OUR) is an independent initiative to build a knowledge network and a consortium that offers higher education to people in need.
There are currently more than 13,939 refugees in Indonesia, of whom do not have access to higher education because of administrative barriers. In recent years, efforts have been made by UNHCR and refugee communities to address the educational needs of refugees. Systematic efforts were made by UNHCR and partners to open access for refugee children to enroll in public schools. Community-led learning centers also provide the opportunity to fill educational gaps, targeting children in particular. Meanwhile, access to higher education is even more limited while almost half of the population is 17-30 years old.
The 3C Forum itself will not only provide an opportunity to discuss these issues in more detail, but it also seeks to facilitate effective collaboration among participants leading to projects and funded initiatives to increase access to higher education opportunities in Jakarta.